Watcha Know Good?

Well, Hey Y’all!

Come on in! Grab a cup, sit with me, and tell me your tale!

Or as they say in rural Kentucky, “Whatcha know good?”

{i.e. What do you know that is good? Share with me some gossip!}

Me? My name is Marguerite McBride. (or Marti to my friends!) I am a critical care and ER nurse, working on my DNP. I also teach clinicals (hands on practice in a hospital) to nursing students, and basically just love the heck out of my job.

Really. I love, Love, LOVE being a nurse!!!

But the bureaucracy of nursing and hospital life? Dealing with the healthcare system in the United States? Now that drives me batcrap CRAZY. It’s enough to make me lose my religion…but that’s a blog (and a song) for another day.

I have an amazing musician husband, Rob, who keeps me sane (mostly), 5 kids (ages 21-30), 3 grandkids (ages 7-11), and 2 granddogs (Jackie and Jenny). We used to live on a big ol’ farm in the middle of Amish country in rural south-central Kentucky. We had big plans. We had it all figured out. We knew exactly where we were headed.

And then, 2020.

Williamstown, Freeport, Bahamas. January 2020

 It started out GREAT! Hubby and I celebrated 25 years together. We took a big vacation, cruised the Bahamas, toured Charleston, and just enjoyed each other alone for the first time in a long time. On our drive home at the end of January, we laughed and joked that if the rest of the year went THIS well, we wouldn’t be able to handle it! Ahhhh, so much ignorance, so much bliss.

Then the bombs dropped. Family issues. Traumatic injury. Financial troubles. Land problems. Car calamities. Family illness. Death. Loss. Grief.

And I aint even talking ‘bout being a nurse during CoVid. SHEWEE. That’s a whole ‘nother subject, don’t EVEN get me started. (Did I mention I grew up in the south and have a real strong accent when I’m irate? Anyway…)

I will never, ever, be the same person I was when I stepped off that boat in January of 2020.

I am irrevocably changed, for better AND worse.

So here we are, buying an RV.

Packing up & Moving out.

Hitting the road, Jack! Who knows if we’ll be back?

Just a musician historian, a traveling nurse, and an RV.

This blog is about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

And good bourbon.

Oh, and food. We like food.

Follow along, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!

4 thoughts on “Watcha Know Good?

  1. Frances Frazier says:

    Hello Marti! This is Frances was reading on your adventure, sounds great. I pray all goes well with your nursing and hubby’s singing. You guys stay safe,love you and will be checking in with you.❤️

    1. Rob & Marti says:

      Frances, So glad you will be able to keep in touch! Rob and I have always appreciate what a great couple you and your husband are, and what strong role models in the community you have been! We are very excited to begin this journey and appreciate all our home town folks following along for the ride! Glasgow will always be our “Old Kentucky Home!”

  2. Angel Harris says:

    Good luck, Marti!! You’re doing what I’ve always wanted to do. My girl has one more year of high school, so maybe my dream will come true, soon. Keeping you and Rob in my prayers.

    1. Rob & Marti says:

      We appreciate all the prayers we can get! This seems to be the direction we are called in. When our kids were home, we lived very presently, every day for them. Now that they are al in college, we just found ourselves a little aimless. Last year was a tremendous upheaval in our lives, and suddenly we realized that “someday” is RIGHT NOW. So we are stepping out in Faith and just trying to live every day like it’s our last one! You will have your turn, just appreciate the time in between! Everyday is someday!

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